Living Bulletin®

 Church Pilot Program    Connect & Shine Brighter™.

The Ministry Helpers
How can our Ministry Serve your Ministry?
 For Church Leaders
     Connect & Shine Brighter™.


Frequent Questions
Will we engage with more members?

Yes! Members will be motivated to join your Living Bulletin® because they truly get to participate in it, thus dramatically increasing their sense of ownership and community. Members will post & design their own content, enter comments, share reactions and so much more! View Benefits for Individuals

Can our church control the content?

Yes! Church staff controls which features and content is published on the Living Bulletin. Online tools make it fast to review and approve content or turn off features.

Like on other social media services, member content is shared with their friends through their ✝ Mission Wall. However, churches get to select only the content they'd like to share with their congregation through common screens.

What controls are in place for prayer requests?

a.) Submission guidelines must be acknowledged.
b.) Members can submit prayers anonymously.
c.) Prayers submitted go live on a person's wall.
d.) Prayers need to be approved for publishing to church members.
e.) Prayer requests do not include a name, unless it is for the member who submitted the request.
f.) Prayer circles can be turned off entirely.

Is the Living Bulletin designed to replace our existing church website?

No. The Living Bulletin™ is a website plug-in that is added in just a few moments. Read more about our proven Internet strategy. This dynamic saves time and money.

If we choose, can the Living Bulletin become our church website?


Our church already emails out the church bulletin. Why would we switch to a new format?

The Living Bulletin is designed to replace the old-style email and make it much better. How?

1.) By providing more content
2.) By offering fresher content
3.) By making it interactive
4.) By making it more engaging
5.) By making it more about community
6.) By being more helpful
7.) By streamlining the publishing process

How does the content stay fresh?

a.) Content is given a date range for publishing. It comes off automatically when no longer relevant.
b.) Members and staff post content through online forms.
c.) Content like movie reviews is shared.

Our church links to Facebook. Does it plugin like that?

Yes. However, the Living Bulletin is customized with the church's own needs in mind. Its mission is to enhance the church community and make participation more valuable.

We spent alot of effort on our church website. Will we lose it?

No. The Living Bulletin fits seamlessly into the existing design of your website. Your logo, colors, background and other elements quickly get integrated to make everything flow professionally.

Can we use it even if we don't have much time or money to implement this program?

Yes! Technology makes it possible to implement the program quickly and easily, which also means inexpensively. Our goal is to have local business support the effort, like it supports the existing bulletin. Because the program serves people more fully, we believe it will actually increase church revenue.

Would we need to turn over control of our bulletin to an outside party?

Each church keeps full control and online tools make it happen with the least amount of effort possible. Quickly manage your own content and prepare the bulletin for distribution. Online content submission tools makes data collection a snap. The church admin area is truly powerful.

Wll it empower our ministries and promote community?

Yes! Your church will empower ministries with all the tools available for ministries and events. So, ministries will get a great deal of technological and promotional support.

We've always wanted to create a parishioner directory. Does the Living Bulletin offer such a service?

Yes! In fact, the Living Bulletin makes the parish directory compelling to participate in. Members will post their skills and interests to uncover economic and leisure opportunities. Online tools make it easy for members to thoroughly complete their profile.

Is there a way to add a design to content?

Yes! Each piece of content enjoys online design tools. Authors select from our house library or create their own design. Once created, the author can automatically assign the same design each time.

Do churches have the option to let members post content?

Yes! By inviting participation, your bulletin will be more widely read. When people participate in the creation, they are more likely to read it.

 Living Bulletin®    The Ministry Helpers™

Copyright © 2011 - 2024      
All Rights Reserved.
Living Bulletin, LLC

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protect the names, concepts, language, navigation and underlying code of these services.


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